Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Blog Makeover: Complete!

This makeover was super fun and probably the fastest one ever! I thought I would do it at a later time, but i had this idea and BAM! here we are! I hope you like! I went for a more funky bright coloured theme this time around, as I have been in a pretty bright mood lately! ahaha! 

Anyway here is the banner:

I just love it! all my fave colours into one (except for blue :(( ).

I am still yet to find an exciting background for the whole blog, but for now I think white will do- and to be honest it is growing on me big time!!

xxx Tay 

Hope you enjoy!

(Woah, count all the exclamation marks I used in this post, I used HEAPS!!)


  1. I really like it, it's more natural and pretty :)

  2. i really liked your previous theme. was it custom?

  3. I luv this one!!
    It really brightens up your day! Beautiful, well done!
